Throughout this post is will be using the parenthesis a lot, for those of you who don't know what that it is, it's these thingies ( " " ). YAY! You learned something new! Anyway, the reason for using the parenthesis is because I'm not sure if I actually went through that state or if it was what she had wanted us to experience or is it the right term for what happened. Yeah.... TO THE STORY!
What do you know about hypnosis? Right now you're probably thinking of some corny dude who's swinging his pocket watch back and forth in front of you or the psychopath who's using the clicking sounds of a clock to control your mind, but nah it ain't anywhere close! It's actually.... Rather funny? Hahahahahaha! Add a dash of realization in there as well.
So thing was, me and my psycho mates decided that we would like to be hypnotised to make us want to study more. Yeah I can only wish right? I still don't know if it worked, I'm starting to doubt it cause I'm sitting here glued to Glee hahahahaha! So the interesting part is how my teacher "put us under". So first we have to relax totally and she "guides" us by telling us what we should feel and see. It goes from feeling each breath we take, then loosen our shoulders, back, legs and the whole body.
After "total relaxation", it turned to going to somewhere we loved, I........ ended up on a random beach, and I was thinking "I don't love beaches.... But ok.....I'll just see where this goes". But fine, I did use the sound of waves to calm and relax me, so technically that would explain why I was there. Then she asked to us to explore around, I felt like I was tracking through the Amazon forest! I don't know why! But my mind is weird like that, I don't "not love" forests, but it wouldn't be the favorite place in the world!
Next thing she tells us is, we see a chair. A chair meant only for us in this "world" of ours. And guess what chair came into my head? Of all the chairs.......mine was a chair at the freaking barber shop. This time, I smack my head and go "WHADDAFARK?! A BARBERS CHAIR? REALLY?". It was all metal rimmed with slight red cushions......I think my mind's a real screwed up place, cause really? How is that a relaxing chair?
About this point I just about had enough of letting my brain roam freely, I decided that directing my thoughts to aid my relaxation wouldn't hurt. Chillax, it was all good. =D I thought of chairs, of all the chairs or places I've sat, where was the most relaxing, the one that could make me feel totally myself and nothing but happy. I ended up in the front seat of a Kancil...... Yeah..... I swear I didn't plan for it to happen but that scene stuck with me and soon after I fell asleep, which by the way was what my teacher had hoped to achieve.
After we woke up from the "trance", I was so baffled at how much those times had affected me. And even though those days will never return, I'm glad I had them. I'm starting to not regret more and more things from the past and instead finding myself smiling like a total idiot most of the time. Looks like the turbulence has finally started to die down for real eh? =)
P.s - I is handsome aren't I? Hahahahaha!