Sunday, May 26, 2013

Bound Now, Free Tomorrow.

Exams have taken over my life,
6 papers is do-able?
Studying and exams,
The best way I can describe this is,
The feeling of knowing something without knowing anything at all.
Don't we all wish we had photographic memories?

You know what?
I know the first thing I wanna do after exams,
I wanna shoot some arrows,
I wanna drown my self in demented movies,
I wanna read books and novels.
Soon, soon.
While I'm still my own person and unowned,
Free and unbound.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Just Something About My Path.

The path I favour has once again been opened.
First it was a western based education,
Then it was Psychology,
More specifically Criminal Psych.
I was discouraged,
But it would seem that the odds now favour me.
Well if I graduate.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

In Another Universe.

I am on a road,
Where am I?
Panic does not come,
I know this place.
Everything looks the same,
Rows and rows of houses,
It doesn't look like it'll end.

I am with someone,
Friend? Strangers?
I can't recall,
Just people with blank faces. 
They ask me,
Do you know how to leave this place?
I say it's simple,
Just head towards that tall building.

I see a tall building now,
There is only one tall building.
A building made from mirrors,
A building made from the sky.
That is where the exit is,
And I know the way.
I do?

I lead with confidence,
Beyond each turn taken is the same view,
Yet I know where I am headed.
How is that possible?
I get closer,
Then further,
I am still so sure.

I am in a dark hallway,
I don't know where I am,
Where were the ones who were with me?
I am alone,
I am lost,
I am far from where I need to be.
It gets darker.

I am awake,
The story has ended,
It was a dream.
But it has me thinking,
Am I alone?
Am I lost?
Am I far from where I should be?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Something I Hate.

I despise helping people who I don't think deserve it.
Not all the time,
Just mainly studies.
I run on a simple concept,
If you won't spend time listening or attending class then it's your own fault for not knowing.
Don't ask me for my notes.
I really hate it.
But I have no choice but to give it,
Cause I don't want to be mean,
Nor do I want to be treated the same way,
Because I sorta do it too.
But I don't photocopy people's notes,
I simply ask what I don't know.
Fucking study it yourself!
I came to class and listened,
I gave my time up,
What did you do?
Fuck this man!
I don't want to share because what I have is all I have to be better.
I hate that I'm like this but I hate freeloaders more.
The anger builds in me until I feel like throwing up.
But I won't say no.
I mean how can I?

P.s - Secretly, what I really hate is the fact that I work so hard yet I still can't perform and for someone who gives half or no effort to freeload off of me and score better is just detestable. I simply resent the thought of it. I really feel like punching someones' lights out.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

What You Do To Me.

There is a knock on my window,
You've come again my love,
Like many times before,
I am drawn to you,
I know better but I am still a fool.

Acknowledging you is like being shot,
Okay, that's a lie,
I don't know what it's like to be shot,
So I'll say it feels like the impact of a fall.
The moment your body hits the ground and your spirit is knocked out of you,
But that doesn't quiet describe the feeling does it?

I rewind the music box that plays our tale,
Such beauty,
Such happiness,
Such passion.
It was not love,
I hadn't known then.

I let you in as I always do,
And I smile.
Why have you returned my love?
You returned a smile tinged with mischief,
I've come to stab your heart again my dear.

You're halfway in,
I put a hand on your chest,
As if a final test.
You have no heart for me.

I stop you from coming any further.
You look at me,
Confused and surprised.
Confused by the fact that I could say no,
Surprised by the fact that I pushed you out of the window.

I see you fall,
And it is a long fall.
I do not see where you land,
But I can hear the thud.
I do not expect you to come back soon,
I hope you don't at all.
Nor forgive me for what I had done,
I'm sorry for not being sorry.

For a moment I am triumphant,
For a moment I can breathe again,
Then I realise,
There is pain.
I now see an arrow,
Wedged in between my chest.
It's hit my heart,
I know it has,
It is mine after all.

I can't pull it out,
I can't push it through,
It's stuck,
Right in my heart.
Looking at it,
I noticed this weapon is different from the ones before.

I begin to laugh and cry,
How cruel of you to remind me in such a way,
For a knife would require you to come close,
An arrow on the other hand,
Can be shot from far away.

Will I never be free of you?