Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Orientation - Continuation from Wiggle Night =D

Basically I'm just gonna give a brief summary of what happened yesterday. We had to dance to a mash up of LMFAO's I'm in Miami bitch, party rock anthem and I'm sexy and I know it.

Started off the show with me and Wen Xiang, him on the guitar and me singing an acoustic version of party rock anthem but instead of "shake that" I say "bitch please!!" then I start rapping the chorus from I'm in Miami bitch. Did a daring move on stage , hopefully my family will never see a video footage of me hahahahahaha.

But the most important part was


Personally I think my group was the last group to get so many cheers last night. Cause we just plain awesome trolololololol =D

Wiggling Team Smiley

Orientation - Wiggle Day!!! We did the wiggle YEAH!

Will give a full report tomorrow when i'm not so tired. So to make up for it here's a small preview to what i did tonight =) Below is the "Shuffling Team"!!! And me? Well.... i was on the "Wiggling Team" go figure what i did hahahahaha

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Orientation - Tele-MUD-match

Didn't get to play anything yesterday cause well...... I is bleeding..... Trolololololol!!! Dead tired in class now... But it's so interesting!! Nu!!!! Goodnight! XD

Zaidah & Carol G"lovin" =D

See what i did there? trololololol

Monday, February 27, 2012

Orientation - Ze Wiggle...LMFAO

Oh god why? I thought being excused from shuffling was the best thing that could happen considering all I have to do is rap.... But NO! I had to get myself involved in doing the bloody addictive move..... Ze Wiggle..... And I'm sad to say... Im good at it..... Why???? Hahahaha will try to get people to record my performance ;b

Ps - why are all the good looking nice guys taken????!!!!! Fark!!!!

Pps - never laugh and try to type Pocahontas at the same time... Just don't XD oh zaidah you crack me up

Pochahontas must be doubling over right now XD

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Don't Mess With Sundays.

Ready for another day? Gah..... So tiring. I wonder what's in store for me today.

I've already missed 2 days of orientation and from what i heard, the seniors are pretty pissed that a lot of people didn't show. I mean come on...... Saturday and Sunday's are off days for everyone! Especially Sunday! Sleepers gotta sleep, nerds gotta nerd, Christians gotta church, procrastinators gotta try to not procrastinate. It's a day where people get things done wouldn't you say so? And I'm not saying orientation is a waste, but there are other priorities at hand. So orientation is without a doubt out of the picture. Just hope the seniors wont give me shit later today.

As fun as orientation is, it's taking the life outta me but it's only for a few more days.... Hold on, hold on......=)

Ps - is it really that hard just to say "hi" again? My Answer : Yes, yes it is.

Goodnight =)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Orientation - Drama Night.

No class today, but for the sake of my beloved group 3 aka FREEDOM!! I went to uni to find that all I had to do was sit there and do nothing once again hahahahaha! It's a wonder how I managed to elude dancing and making loads of props, but then again we're talking about THE Jane right? Hahahahahaha

Had singing practice with Caryn, Bryan and Hong Kai. Zaidah tagged along today and she can sing but she won't perform with us! Damn woman! Still thinking on my solo, should I do "Fix You" by Coldplay or "Misguided Ghosts" by Paramore or OR crazier yet get Bryan to learn He is We songs which would be awesome awesome awesome! But..... Probably sticking to Coldplay.XD I know, I'm very undecidedly decided. What sense am i making? Hahahahahaha

Drama Night was awesome!!!! I helped to narrate the whole story. By the way we were doing The Ugly Duckling, or in my version the ugly duckface! Main theme was the 90's, so we had.....

Spice Girls - tell me whatchu want whatchu really really want, so i'll tell you what i want what i really really want, i wanna! I wanna! I wanna! I wanna blabladidyblarbladeedoofledeidumboobob Trololololololol!!

And Backstreet Boys - Everybody now~ yeah yeah! Rock your bodeh now, yeah yeah~ everybody now, BACK! STREETS BACK! ALRIGHT! Dumdadadumdadadadumdadadum! Dumdadadumdadadadumdadadum!!

Sang in a guys voice and well I guess that went well? Hahahaha least they didn't throw paper balls at us. (they actually threw paper balls at bad performances, can you believe that?) Overall.... I'd say 8/10 for today's activity but 17/10 for our group work and to how much fun I had =D

K after I find some Secondhand Serenade songs I'm gonna pass out. Goodnight world =)

Awesome lecturers at uni =)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Orientation - Preparation.... IT RHYMES!!!!

Super duperly tired. Class started earlier than usual because of a stupid language test! Ugh.... I'm not getting enough sleep..... SLEEP!!!!! Assignments are finally catching up to me and that's a total whoopdeedoodle!!

Pretty much did nothing but wait and stone. Thank God I was excused from dancing, but I still have to sing... Dammit.... Whatever la, better than dancing. Am helping with the props and did some crazy drawings! One pic below! And I'm just awesomely awesome when it comes to creating ridiculous things hahahahaha.

Pink pinky for all the psychos =D
Horny man clock XD

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Orientation - FREEDOM!!

Group 3 who are we?
I can't hear you! WHO ARE WE?!
Who are weeeee????!!!!!

That would be our group cheer for orientation. Strange as it is, I'm actually bloody proud I'm from group 3, we been kicking ass allllllll the way. Despite having a big ass dude "kidnapped" and a senior planned flag stealing. WE.ROCK!! Whether is was physical activities or loud ass noise making, I gotta say, well freaking done group 3. Last cheer of the night -

Who are we?

Uni after dark

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Orientation - Watered Up! (summary)

Loads of waiting. Wet. Awesome. Crazy. Cold. Tired. Aching. Dead. Early class tomorrow. I mean today. Unremovable ink stains. A little frustrated. Scared of nightmares. Eyelids closing. Had fun. Ending was ruined. Goodnight. =)

Orientation "scars"

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Words of Strength.

Can you tell the difference between a lie and the truth when you're the one telling it? If you are unsure of the answer but you confidently tell others one thing.... does that make it a lie as well? Is it an exaggerated truth or are they words you're trying to fit yourself in? At the end of the day, does it matter if you know the answer or not? As long as you can live up to what you say, wouldn't that be enough?

I'm not sure if that's the right answer,
But until that other question is answered,
This'll be the only answer i'll have.
Seeing that i'll never know the answer,
I'd better get used to the one i have now.
Beyond that gate...

Friday, February 17, 2012

An Unwavering Answer.

Something funny my friend asked me. "So.... Are you happy or are you hoping for something?" and I looked at her, without hesitation I said with a smile "I'm happy." =)

And I hope that never changes.

Keep looking up =)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I hate how I still can't control what I want to do. I may seem childish but I want what I want even if I'll regret it, even if I won't get anything out of it. There's no reason why I want the things I want, I just plain feel like it. What part of that can't you fucking understand? Is it wrong for me to blame you for me being so antisocial and not having close friends? Bring them back you say, well fuck you no! You want to get into my life do much that I want you out. And I'm being really horrible and selfish after all you've done for me. I hate myself for rationalising with myself about the things I feel. I want to scream at you at the top of my lungs but that would be too ungrateful of me. I don't know how long can I keep swallowing my desires and feelings. At this rate, even rationalising would turn into a form of denial for me. This yearning I have to be free is truly truly overpowering me.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Schmalentines.

Valentines day....... well exactly one year ago, things were different. One thing lead to another and god knows what the equation or pattern would have resulted in had a made a different choice. But all that's lost is gone, is passed. Spent Valentines this year with a presentation and dozing off in class. HOW FUN!!!! trololololol
But yeah....meh,....i'm bored and have a craving for coffee and chocolate. I'm a pig i know and me gusta. ME GUSTA!!!!!

Unsure, undecided.
Waiting like a coward,
Those 3 words stuck in my throat,
At least i can say i said it.
Happy Valentines Day.

P.S - Now i'm just worried there'll be a misunderstanding *smacks head* HAIYO! XD

Doodling hearts =)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Calmed Heart.

I don't get it,
What is it about you that calms all my storms just like a soothing breeze?
My heart that was before unfocused turns relieved when I talk to you.
We talk about things that tear my heart to bits and yet...
I feel happy.

It's a strange mixture indeed,
Like drinking alcohol,
Tastes horrible but that warm feeling you get stays within.
Maybe that bittersweet feeling I've been having has finally turned sweeter.
I'd like to think of it that way.

I know I still love you,
But I know you love her so.
And I guess that makes the equation that is me, right.
I'm still confused as to why you're so important to me.
Perhaps you were my first love,
I don't know yet.

In time I'll see more clearly,
In time I'll learn to not want to need you.
In time I'll change "I LOVE you" to "I LOVED you".
Just watch me.
the Light ahead

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Silent Wondering.

Lonely was the heart that was abandoned,
Waiting patiently yet frantically for a sign.
Silently wondering where you are,
To where have you disappeared to?
Have you chosen to leave without saying a word?
Did you decide to place me in an old box called the past?
Or am I simply wondering too much in silence?
I miss you,
But I won't tell you so.
I'll just continue with my silent wondering.

I've gotta say goodbye, to the pieces of me that have already died.

Listening to : Ingrid Michaelson - Ghost

That empty seat

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Scott Pilgrim!!

I am so so stuck on a song from Scott Pilgrim Vs The World!!!! Clash at Demonhead - Black Sheep. Farging nice song Wei!!!!! The movie was even more brilliant, definitely a top loved movie.

Side note : I am now observing how the cookie crumbles. They say that's just how it is, I hope they're right but.... I hope they're not. I will know in due time... Time.... I need someone to point me to the exit. =)

-Send you my love on a wire, lift you up every time, everyone, ooh... pulls away, ooh... FROM YOUUU!!!!!!-

Arrow in the sky

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Need more distractions in my life. Uni alone isn't enough yet, well... Classes haven't started so it technically doesn't count right? Sigh.... Occasionally I have these thoughts whereby I question my role as a friend. I often don't keep in contact with people that matter unless I like the person, like like like the person, do I make sense? Hahahaha

Anyway, I don't bother contacting or even just giving a simple hi to the people I used to hang out with. Then I begin to wonder, would people still remember me? Let alone call me a friend? It disturbs me occasionally how I can not care. I blame the fact that I ding have any freedom, but really that's my own fault isn't it?

That's probably the same reason why I lost. Sigh..... I'll just have to live with that and hope that I'll get over it soon.

Lately I've become lady sighs-a-lot. Sigh....goodnight =)

More and more words that I wished I had said, would say, should say....still want to say. Someone slap me hard...

Words, words, words

Sunday, February 5, 2012

2 Thing On My Mind.

Been cleaning the house up big time, found a lot of old funny things that I will not mention here. Anyway what's on my mind is.... What do I do? An idea can never stop growing and now I'm pretty freaked. I was a fool not to see so here's the price I must pay? I don't know, too many things unknown. Sigh.....

On a side note, found this awesomely depressing line from a book.

"Burned beneath my eyelids is an image of the two of you together. And with that I cannot sleep."

Where do I get such depressing reading material? Anyway.... Did you just reply me? It has been a while hasn't it? I wish you would acknowledge my existence but then I don't as well. I'm still pretty much stuck =)

Edited photo, i don't have them skydiver blue chucks but i want em

Original photo

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Blood & Uni.

3rd day of uni was ok, getting to know all the people from psych, rather pleasant bunch of people. Having zaidah here makes my days even more fun cause well.... WE CPU-IANS!!!!!! And we awesome and that's that. Oh went for a blood test today and saw the strangest thing that can happen when blood gets drawn if your blood vessels too close to your skin (your blood kinda just pours out the moment the needle is administered into your body and when the needle is extracted) and I was like woah!! Course it wasn't on me hahahaha anyway pics below =D

me & Zaidah foolin around
"battle scars"
before Zaidah demanded a camwhoring with her's XD

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Having a crazy urge to buy all the accessories. Feather earrings, chokers, long dangly necklace, big ass rings, little bracelets and the list goes on. Thank god I can rationalise with myself or I'd be broke by now.

On a side note - you've found a way back into my mind. GTFO please?

Got these star earrings, next thing is feather earrings!

Star Earrings! <3