Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Schmalentines.

Valentines day....... well exactly one year ago, things were different. One thing lead to another and god knows what the equation or pattern would have resulted in had a made a different choice. But all that's lost is gone, is passed. Spent Valentines this year with a presentation and dozing off in class. HOW FUN!!!! trololololol
But yeah....meh,....i'm bored and have a craving for coffee and chocolate. I'm a pig i know and me gusta. ME GUSTA!!!!!

Unsure, undecided.
Waiting like a coward,
Those 3 words stuck in my throat,
At least i can say i said it.
Happy Valentines Day.

P.S - Now i'm just worried there'll be a misunderstanding *smacks head* HAIYO! XD

Doodling hearts =)

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