Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Orientation - Continuation from Wiggle Night =D

Basically I'm just gonna give a brief summary of what happened yesterday. We had to dance to a mash up of LMFAO's I'm in Miami bitch, party rock anthem and I'm sexy and I know it.

Started off the show with me and Wen Xiang, him on the guitar and me singing an acoustic version of party rock anthem but instead of "shake that" I say "bitch please!!" then I start rapping the chorus from I'm in Miami bitch. Did a daring move on stage , hopefully my family will never see a video footage of me hahahahahaha.

But the most important part was


Personally I think my group was the last group to get so many cheers last night. Cause we just plain awesome trolololololol =D

Wiggling Team Smiley

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