Saturday, January 21, 2012

Little Notes.

When was the last time you wrote to someone? When was the last time you left a post it note on a book, computer, guitar or anything of someone you cared or care for? Think about it, when was the last time you scribbled on someone's book? Or even write some words on another persons hand? When was the last time you wrote down with your hand, with your own strength, your own words? What you feel and what you mean.

The future has made us forget something so simple yet precious. The art of writing. Back in the day we had letters and notes, hand made cards and handwritten assignments, now we type everything out. From mail to wishes to resumes to saying a simple hello. Words typed out, do they really carry what we mean, what our hearts want to convey? Typing can be done by anyone who knows how to on a computer, same fonts, same styles, underlined, bold, italic, Times New Roman, Arial, Comic Sans, Calibri, and the list goes on. But to write, like the design of ones fingerprint, is all different. The way one writes the letters "g" or "a", the strength used to write, the way they write their name at the bottom of each work. It is all different.

To write a note, just a little one changes the way we mingle with each other. It shows how close 2 people can be with each other or how much one person cares for the other. It can't be explained but hand written notes tend to carry a small part of your intentions with it, whether it's a way for you to be one step closer to the other person or just a glimmer of hope that the other person picks up that intention that came along with the note. A note, however little can mean so many things.

I personally never could grasp the concept of writing notes in my early teen years but towards the end of them I realised how important they can be. I can remember the exact words I wrote, those notes were always little but they always carried my intentions with them whether I knew it then or not. But now I know, if you ever find yourself writing notes to another person, that person is undeniably very important to you. And for those who receive these little notes, these notes aren't like valentines chocolates or casual words. These notes, they are memories, precious and fragile for you to keep, to look back on and remember how it all was back then.

So take out of a piece of paper, even a gum wrapper would do, and write a little note to the ones you care about.
Whether its an important note saying everything you want to say or just a few simple words, just remember, He or she waiting to receive it may just pick up whatever small intention you have for them. =)

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